We are pleased to announce that on Wednesday 9 December, Salomo Rauthovi has joined the management and finance team as “General Manager”.
Salomo comes to us from Tuholaistorjuntakeskus Company Ltd where he was the “Managing Director”:
Salomo reports to our Board. He lives in Espoo and will be based at our divisional headoffice in Espoo.
Please join me in welcoming him to our company and in wishing him a lot of success.
Salomo Rauthovi
Toimitusjohtaja, Espoon Taloustaitokeskus Oy
Keskeinen aikaisempi työkokemus,
Tilintarkastaja, PriceWaterhouseCoopers Oy
Talousjohtaja, Silta Oy
Talous- ja hallintojohtaja ja controller, Rentokil Initial Oy
Talouspäällikkö ja controller, Henkel Norden Oy
Luotonvalvoja, Apple Inc
Keskeiset luottamustoimet
Tuholaistorjuntakeskus Oy, hallituksen jäsen
Kuntalaskenta Oy, hallituksen jäsen
Initial Oy, hallituksen jäsen
Rentokil Ambius Oy, hallituksen jäsen
Rentokil Initial Oy, hallituksen jäsen
Keskeisiä suosituksia englanniksi
“With a high sense of duty, enthusiasm and efficiency Mr. Rauthovi succeeded to fully take over his responsibilities. His entrepreneurial spirit and his commitment were instrumental for the development of our Company and our finance and controlling functions. His negotiating skills, his distinct capacity for problem solving and his trustworthiness enabled him to build up excellent relationships internally and externally. Mr. Rauthovi succeeded in creating a working atmosphere which has a highly motivating influence on the whole staff.”
— Mr. R. Sobottka, -Managing Director and CFO / CEO, Henkel Group, Henkel Norden AB, managed Salomo directly and worked and co-operated with Salomo at Henkel Norden AB over 5 years. Henkel Norden AB, Headquarters in Sweden.
”I had contact with Salomo through my work in pursuing acquisition targets in Finland. I found him to be interested, intelligent, hard-working, and opinionated. He quickly understands the strengths and weaknesses of a business and is technically very competent. Salomo is gregarious and is good company, in and out of the office.”
— Mr. D. Wilson, Director -Mergers & Acquisitions, Rentokil Initial PLC, Group Headquarters in the U.K, worked directly with Salomo at Rentokil Initial